

Neuropathy services offered in Chandler, AZ


Up to 30% of people with diabetes develop neuropathy, which is permanent nerve damage. Fortunately, catching it early can prevent neuropathy from getting worse. At Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists of Arizona in Chandler, Arizona, podiatrists and board-certified foot and ankle surgeons Alex Stewart, DPM, Antonius Su, DPM, and their team specialize in neuropathy treatment to relieve pain and preserve mobility. Call Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists of Arizona today to schedule neuropathy treatment, or book your appointment online.

How does diabetic neuropathy affect the feet?

Diabetic neuropathy occurs when your blood sugar levels stay elevated for months or even years. That can result in permanent nerve damage if you don’t take steps to get your blood sugar within a healthy range.

If the nerve endings in your feet don’t function properly, they can’t send pain signals to your brain. As a result, you might injure yourself and not know it, increasing your risk of complications like infection and gangrene (tissue death).

What are the symptoms of neuropathy?

Neuropathy symptoms include:

  • Cramps
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle twitching
  • Loss of sensation in the feet and toes
  • Numbness and tingling

As neuropathy worsens, you might experience skin discoloration or hair loss on your feet and toes.

When should I see a podiatrist about neuropathy?

Make an appointment with the Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists of Arizona team if you develop symptoms of neuropathy that don’t improve with at-home treatments, like ice, rest, and pain medication.

That’s especially true if you have diabetes, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), or another condition affecting circulation to your feet.

How is foot-related neuropathy diagnosed?

Your Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists of Arizona provider completes physical and neurological exams, checking tendon reflexes and the strength and tone of your foot muscles. They also assess your balance, coordination, and ability to feel sensations in your feet. 

To confirm nerve damage, your provider orders bloodwork and diagnostic imaging. They also complete electromyography (EMG), a nerve function test. Your provider uses the results of these tests to determine the best treatment. 

How is foot-related neuropathy treated?

The Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists of Arizona team treats foot-related neuropathy using a conservative, minimally invasive approach. Your provider might suggest:

  • Prescription pain relievers
  • Antiseizure medication
  • Topical treatments, like lidocaine cream
  • Prescription antidepressants
  • Physical therapy
  • MLS laser therapy

Most cases of neuropathy improve with one or more of these treatments. If your symptoms continue or get worse, the team might recommend surgery.

Are there ways to stop neuropathy from getting worse?

To prevent neuropathy from getting worse, the Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists of Arizona team recommends taking care of your feet (especially if you have diabetes), eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly.

Call Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists of Arizona today to schedule neuropathy treatment, or book your appointment online.